First Grade

First Grade Room Parent Meeting has been scheduled for 11/4/2013 9:30-10:30 at Dunkin Donuts @ Indian Trail and Eola

Questions? contact Jackie V (630)881-8816
Hello First Grade room parents! This is where you will find ideas for class parties and more. Check it every so often to look for updates that pertain to First Grade.



  1. Hello 1st Grade
    Winter Party planning meeting is Nov.4th 9:30-10:30 @ Dunkin Donuts off Eola & Indian Trail Rd. Please make sure one room parent can attend and bring your craft, activity/game idea's. Also we can discuss options for how to run your classrooms Winter Party.
    Contact me if you have any ?'s, concerns or comments

    Jackie V
    1st grade coordinator

  2. Game idea's:
    Hot potato (wet snow)
    Telephone (snowman whispers what)
    Pin the carrot on the snow man
    Heads up 7 up (whole class can play, heads down thumbs up, one person (it) pushed down a thumb and they have to guess who it was)
    Dance party/freeze dance

  3. Craft idea's
    Paper plate snowmen (small to large plates, glue on or color hat, eyes..etc)
    Penguin's (trace feet, turn upside down and then glue hat, scarf)
    Wood stick/Popsicle stick snow flake, glue toghter in middle and paint

  4. Don't forget 11/4 9:30-10:30 @ Dunkin Donuts

  5. Meeting updates:
    Snowman measure stick-purchased by billy Jo (deconstructed by Jackie's older ones)
    Cups/ballons - purchased by Jackie
    Cotton balls -purchased my Meenakshi
    Coffee filters- purchased by Jackie
    Black paper/white chalk - purchased by Mrs. Urban
    Assembly party 12/15 4:00 pm @ Jackie's house.


  6. Snow man craft

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ballons are out apparently they are a health hazard. So we are going w/ charades and winter pictonary.

  9. Assembly party: 12/15 4 pm
    I will have all items ready for pick up, please have one of your room parents stop by between 3-5 pm on 12/15 to get your items.
    Thank you,
    Jackie V
    E-mail me if you still need my address

  10. February party meeting dates

    Monday January 13th 9:30-10:30
    Tuesday January 14th 6:00-7:00
    Thursday January 15th 9:15-10:15

    Please discuss w/ co-room parents and get back to me, we will go w/ majority.
