Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Hello Room Parents, 
I have nothing new to report to you today. I think we are all on track. I'm checking into a few things for a few of you still and waiting to hear back from Mr. Smith on those as well as snack. Thanks so much for all your ongoing efforts. 

I will be in touch about raffle basket boxes in the classrooms as well. I happened to have a box so I'm doing one for my class this week. If you have one on hand. Wrap it with wrapping paper and affix a sign for parents to drop items off there. 

Talk to you all soon. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Weekly email

Hello everyone! 

I think we're all getting a good handle on prepping for the first party. We had our second grade meeting and it was great to hear everyones ideas, talk it all through, then divide up buying items. A reminder to all Grade level coordinator: Please keep track of spending! Especially since each room parent probably has something to buy. You will submit your receipts once you've purchased your items. The budget is $2 per student per party. The reason I'm saying keep track is if you're purchasing as a grade level, then in the end when it comes to raffle baskets you'll want to know what's left over to divide up between each class. That money you can use towards your classrooms basket. 

four second grade classrooms (119 students total)
We spend $1.50 per student per party- $535.50 
Budget was $2.00 per student per party- $714.00

Left over- $ 178.50
amount per class towards raffle basket-$44.63

to me $44.63 is a lot! I could possible get three things for my basket with that. Do we all get that? 

Attached is the new expense form. Please use it to submit to the treasurer. If you've already used the old form it's ok. 

Snack: Being finalized this week. Mr. Smith will give us the ok and I'll let you all know what it is. I have had a few parents asking about the water situation. We advice against purchasing bottles on your own for your class. We would like to keep this consistent throughout the school. Also a pitcher with open cups is not going to work either. Teachers don't want open drinks of any kind in the classrooms. We will be sure to note in the school email as well as tell teachers to let parents know in their emails that the kids can bring covered water bottles on party days. The water fountains are also available. I promise you the parties are going to be so fun that they won't think about water. 

If you can please forward me your party agendas ASAP so we can double check activities and game choices with grade level head teachers. 

Thanks so much! 
Latrice Murphy