
Kindergarten met last night to plan our party and we are hoping to have the following 4 stations for the kids to rotate between:
Station One:
Blow snowballs (cotton balls) across the tabletop into a cup hanging off of the other side of the table using a straw.  This is a moidified version of the Snowblower game :
Station Two:
Pin the Nose on the Snowman
Station Three:
Polar Bear Painted Hands:
Station Four:
Decorate Popsicle Stick Snowflakes - we will have them pre-painted and assembled, they will embellish with buttons, jewels, etc.
We are not callingthem ornaments - just decorated snowflakes
Please let me know if you need any more details or if you have any questions.  We plan to rotate to each station for about 10-12 minutes and then spend the last 10 minutes of the party having snack.
Hello Kindergarten room parents! This is where you will find ideas for class parties and more. Check it every so often to look for updates that pertain to Kindergarten.


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